ブシャー ジェレミ

ブシャー ジェレミブシャー ジェレミ


取得学位 Ph.D.  バーミンガム大学大学院 英語学部
担当科目 英米文化専門演習、卒業研究、Cultural Perspectives in English
専門分野 異文化コニュケーション・言語ポリシー・社会理論
研究テーマ As a sociolinguist, I explore language as social phenomena emerging from the complex interaction between cultural, structural and agentive forces. I teach and conduct research guided by critical realism (CR), and I am often inspired by complex dynamic system theory (CDST). My research began as an inquiry into the relationship between ideological discourse and foreign language education. My current interests center on claims about language and its real-world uses made within applied linguistics and sociolinguistics and, more broadly, on the possibilities for improving sociolinguistic research through the application of CR principles. Other research interests include EFL education in Japanese secondary schools, language policy and planning, and the relationship between ideology and educational practice.
おすすめの一冊 Carter, B and Sealey, A. (2004). Applied Linguistics as Social Science. London: Continuum.
おすすめの作品 "Hunger", by Knut Hamsun.
主な著作・論文 Bouchard, J. (2024). Sociolinguistics and Universalism. Sociolinguistica, 38(1): 1–24. DOI: 10.1515/soci-2023-0016
Bouchard, J. (2023). Sociolinguistics as Scientific Project: Insight from critical realism. Journal of Critical Realism, 22(2), 173-194. DOI: 10.1080/14767430.2022.2150009
Bouchard, J. (2022). Critical Applied Linguistics. JALT Journal 44(1): 153-169. DOI: 10.37546/JALTJJ44.1-8
Bouchard, J. (2021). Complexity, Emergence, and Causality in Applied Linguistics. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bouchard, J. & Glasgow, G.P. (Eds.) (2019). Agency in Language Policy and Planning: Critical Inquiries. London: Routledge.