マンビ イアン

マンビ イアンマンビ イアン


取得学位 Ph.D.(語彙習得学博士)(スワンジー大学)
担当科目 Communication Skills 1&2
専門分野 英語
研究テーマ I have been studying about the teaching and learning of vocabulary in a foreign language. I am especially interested in word association. This is like a game you may know. When you see or hear a word, it makes you think of another word. For example, the word "man" may make you think of another word like "woman". I believe that all the words we know in our first and second language are joined together in something like a big 3D spider web. I am very interested in the growth of the English word webs of Japanese learners. I am also interested in tests that calculate the number of words that learners know. Something tells me that learners need to learn more vocabulary (and grow their word webs) to be more successful in their studies of English!
おすすめの一冊 Any book by David Barker
おすすめの作品 The Railway Man レイルウェイ 運命の旅路
主な著作・論文 「Please fill in a questionnaire (and don’t dawdle). Pragmatic failure in polite requests in Japanese university students. 」『JALT Hokkaido 2001 Proceedings』(全国語学教育学会) 2001年
「Lexical Guessing Strategies in EFL reading. Hit or myth? 」(グレゴリー ボーンマンとの共著)『外国語教育研究』(慶應義塾外国語教育研究センター)創刊号 2004年
「Report on a free continuous word association test.」『学園論集』(本学学術研究会)第132号 2007年
「Report on a free continuous word association test. Part 2」『学園論集』(本学学術研究会)第135号 2008年